Oh non, 0.18.4 est sorti !

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Inscription : 16 décembre 2012, 15:43
Localisation : Autour de Kerbol
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Oh non, 0.18.4 est sorti !

Message par SolarLiner » 15 février 2013, 16:03

4e patch de la version 0.18, ce patch apporte ce que bien des gens attendent depuis un moment: Unity 4.
En voulant rester simple, ça se traduit en un chargement plus rapide, une utilisation de la mémoire plus faible, un jeu plus fluide, une possibilité de version 64bits du jeu, etc ...

Téléchargement !

Ce patch n'a sinon rien de vraiment nouveau avec ce patch, à part le nouveau Ravenspear Mk4:

Le "changelog" complet depuis la 0.18.2:

Code : Tout sélectionner

==================================== v0.18.4 RC3

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

* Fixed the latest version checking.
* Fixed some places that were using an old and inaccurate value for the vessel's G-force, preventing entering warp sometimes.
* Fixed an issue which caused DAE model loading to fail.

==================================== v0.18.4 RC2

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

* Fixed an issue where controls could become locked when switching focus out of a dead uncontrollable vessel.
* Fixed a collision issue with the large RCS Tank.
* Fixed a transparency issue with smoke FX and explosions.
* Boarding a vessel from EVA no longer toggles the SAS on the vessel.
* The VAB and SPH now show decoupler ejection forces on the part stats.
* Fixed a few typos on part descriptions and tutorials.
* Increased Jool's rotating frame threshold altitude to prevent entering its atmosphere with the rotating frame disabled.
* Fixed an issue with the UI background not scaling correctly on the SPH.
* Fixed winglet colliders.
* Fixed EVA light orientations.
* Updated Copyright dates.
* Fixed vab transparency issue.
* Fixed Explosion Shader Transparency issues.
* Fixed Part Actions being clickable if Time Warp was engaged while the Action UI was already up.

==================================== v0.18.4 RC1


* Ported the game over to Unity 4. Expect improved performance.
* Added a new stock spaceplane: The Ravenspear Mk4.

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

* Fixed some buttons not being locked out properly on the Tracking Station and possibly other scenes.
* The Staging Stack now automatically scrolls back into view if a staging operation sends it off screen.
* Stage groups and icons now accurately follow the mouse when dragging.
* Fixed some UI controls and keys being responsive during pause.
* Fixed some sounds (mainly voices) being affected by 3D effects when they shouldn't.
* Fixed an issue when going in and out of Map View after crashing the ship.
* Fixed the EVA map icons not showing.
* Fixed the planetary terrain not starting up properly sometimes.
* Fixed the error messages when exiting the game from the flight scene.
* Added a bad name filter for the Kerbal name generator.
* Fixed issues with the popup dialogs that allowed them to spawn a massive number of duplicates.
* Parts on the parts list no longer show the author on their tooltips (that broke immersion).
* Flight basics tutorial now requires player to set throttle to max before finishing the tutorial (and launching).
* fixed the non-persistent StateName field on MunFlight Tutorial.
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Messages : 78
Inscription : 13 décembre 2012, 22:14
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Re: Oh non, 0.18.4 est sorti !

Message par gordian » 15 février 2013, 18:37


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