Which train runs from Medina to Mecca

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Inscription : 02 avril 2024, 19:42
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Which train runs from Medina to Mecca

Message par Jimm » 20 novembre 2024, 07:37

Good afternoon, I know that there is a train that runs between Medina and Mecca. Could you please tell me how to find out the price of the ticket and where to buy it? I would like to prepare everything in advance.

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Inscription : 04 avril 2024, 20:32
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Re: Which train runs from Medina to Mecca

Message par Kolbas » 20 novembre 2024, 07:48

Hello! Yes, such a train exists, and it is very popular among believers making pilgrimage. In order not to waste time searching for information in different sources, it is best to use a special web resource, where you can find out the schedule Madinah to Makkah train ticket price and book a seat. This will allow you to calmly prepare for the trip without hurry and without distractions.


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