First International Post.

All international posts go there
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Docteur Malakov
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Inscription : 20 juin 2013, 10:05
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First International Post.

Message par Docteur Malakov » 22 juin 2013, 04:38

Well, let's go.

I have to sleep, but, because I don't want, I'll post this First International Post, F.I.P. with no particular goal.
It's for other people (by "other people", I mean "people who don't speak french") who would play Kerbal Space Program and would like to talk about it on a french forum, you know ?
[sarcasm]Yeah. Very usefull because there is no other place on the whole internet for that.[/sarcasm]
So, I have to admit it : I do not understand the purpose of this category.

I think that's all for tonight.

Now, I have to sleep.

Well... Fuck.

So, as I was saying, I like pink baloons and stuff like that. Not "gay" stuff, common' ! I mean "child" or "funny" stuff, you see ? It's more a way for me to...
Stop. I have to sleep.
But I don't wannnnt !
Sleep ! Now !
Well well well. Bastard.
I am you.
So you're crazy.
Why ?
You are talking to yourself.
Silence and stop waisting my time !
Sleep is waste of time. By the way...
No ! Stop pissing of people around here !
Well... Goodnight everybody.
False but fine.


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Marcus Armstrong
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Re: First International Post.

Message par Marcus Armstrong » 22 juin 2013, 14:10

Oh my god! Quelqu'un a franchis le pas de la linguistique de la perfide Albion!! I'm shocking^^

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Re: First International Post.

Message par ValCab33 » 08 mai 2016, 21:47

Marcus Armstrong a écrit :I'm shocking^^
*I'm shocked.
You can't have a nightmare... If you never dream.

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Re: First International Post.

Message par Akinatronic » 08 mai 2016, 22:27

Han ! Somebody touched the forgotten post ! I'm shocked too.

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Re: First International Post.

Message par Nemecle » 09 mai 2016, 09:30

Well I have to admit that I hardly see the point of a international category on a country-specific website, as there already is an international forum, but in the mean time it doesn't impact the website to have such a category :D
Now if I remember well some (french) people wanted to chat a bit in the Shakespeare language as a training, we could launch some discussions in that category, it might as well awaken some international folks who don't dare to speak on that forum :)
"I hope that a day, the sky would turn dark enough to let me find this glimpse of hope... that pale blue dot"

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Inscription : 21 février 2016, 23:52

Re: First International Post.

Message par Mandrin » 09 mai 2016, 18:07

frefrefre frefre ...

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Inscription : 24 décembre 2014, 17:55
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Re: First International Post.

Message par Akinatronic » 09 mai 2016, 18:34

Is that a strange french song, frefrefre frefre ?
I don't understand why do you sing that...

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Inscription : 21 février 2016, 23:52

Re: First International Post.

Message par Mandrin » 09 mai 2016, 20:57

Frefrefre is like all english songs I sing in my shower :D

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Re: First International Post.

Message par Skalou » 09 mai 2016, 22:20

Mandrin a écrit :Frefrefre is like all english songs I sing in my shower :D
you can turn a bit more the red button to sing chochocho. :arrow:


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